Thursday, April 24, 2014

Watch out ladies..

Carter's on the prowl!

So, Carter's favorite new movie is our wedding video. He loves watching it, and will even watch it more than once. I didn't think too much of it, until he started talking about getting married himself.

One of our friend's daughters (Cora) is a year older than Carter, and they've played together a couple of times over the past few years, but not a lot of times or anything.. But, apparently she's made quite the impact on him.

"When I get bigger, Cora and I are going to get married!"

"When we get bigger, Cora and I are going to kiss! She's going to dress up like a princess and we'll get married!"

I can't even tell you how long I laughed at the last statement. Seriously, so hilarious. So, that's what weddings are like to a three year-old, huh?

I texted my friend and warned her that her husband may have to get out his shotgun..  ;)

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